Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beauty with Healthy Foods

Keeping your body to stay healthy and beautiful to look to the everyday is important for women. From the start exercising, eating a healthy diet and regular, to pamper yourself to a beauty shop for a facial or body scrub is an important effort that is often done by women.

It sounds difficult and requires a lot of expenses, especially with the current economic situation. But in fact, without us knowing food ingredients we consume and often keep it in the kitchen instead contains benefits for health and beauty.

Below are the ingredients we eat regular food but have properties such as smoothing the skin, add luster of hair, and teeth whitening:



1. Strawberries
Nan sweet red fruit contains lots of vitamin C that is able to increase body strength. In addition, strawberries also have antioxidants that can stimulate collagen production is beneficial to reduce skin damage, and prevent premature aging due to sun and chemicals. Not only that, the strawberries are also efficacious malic acid, an astringent substance that can remove stains on your teeth, including stains caused by wine and coffee. Besides strawberries, fruits such as blueberries, oranges, and kiwi also has properties similar to strawberries.

2. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain high fiber and contain antioxidants that can soften and cleanse the skin. Sweet potatoes also contain vitamin A which is very high manifold tretinoin, a substance often used as a key ingredient of anti-acne cream and anti-wrinkle. In addition to sweet potatoes, try the consumption of carrots and tomatoes.

3. Lobster or Shrimp Corals

In addition to low-fat protein, crayfish have the mineral content and high tin juice. These substances can help the growth and hair health, and increase endurance, even able to prevent the growth of acne. A kind of sea food ingredients or other shellfish, including clams, oysters, and mussels also have the same efficacy.

4. Lemon

Type of fruit that has a sour taste which contains prebiotic able to facilitate your digestion. Consumption of lime juice can also help the skin to be cleaner and brighter. Research shows that people who consume orange juice in his diet, can reduce the weight a lot faster.

5. Quinoa grain

Wheat is very popular is to have the efficacy of Vitamin B-Complex that can help reduce dryness and increase moisture and shines your hair and skin. Unlike other grains, quinoa contains no wheat gluten or gluten, as these substances are a source of allergens on the skin. This was confirmed by a dietician from Idaho named Ann Louise Gittleman.

6. Salmon or Salem

Salmon meat is known as a major source of unsaturated fatty acids, which maintain high efficacious beauty of your skin. Skin Doctors appropriate statement from the state of Connecticut named Nicholas Perricone, unsaturated fatty acids can reduce the damage or inflammation to the skin, including wrinkles on the face and swelling.

7. Acai Berry

Types of berries from the Brazilian state that is rich reddish purple with anti-oxidants and unsaturated fatty acids. Even the numbers to defeat the anti-oxidant content and unsaturated fatty acids in a glass of wine. Although somewhat difficult to get acai give outside Brazil, in the United States much like Sambozan companies or distributors that offer products including capsules acai give omega-3, the type of ice cream sorbet, and juice.

free Acai Berry Select Capsules

8. Plant Chia Seeds

Chia seeds from a plant originally from South America region contain high antioxidant and a source of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acid that helps the health of skin and hair and nail growth. Unlike other types of seeds, chia seeds do not need to be ground to get the oil levels.

9. Artichoke

Vegetables artichoke contains high fiber. Artichoke able to detoxify a sprig of up to 25 percent of the adult body. If your body has a regular digestive detoxification due to the good, the result is a clean and shiny skin. Artichoke vegetables also contain substances called routine, the substance can heal inflammation and reduce redness around the body.

10. Kale vegetables (cabbage type)

Types of vegetables are dark green cabbage has vitamin A and C are very much, and contain as well as high. This of course can cure pigmentation and wrinkles in the face.
Kale also have the substances lutein, a nutrient that is able to brighten the whites of your eyes

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