African mango is one of healthy Fruits, which is extracted into a pill for weight loss,all the products that promise drastic weight loss, without the need to exercise, surely the best-selling consumer hunted. Similarly, African mango extract supplement product which is becoming the most sought after slimming products in America.
This product's popularity increased after a doctor who has a talk show on television called African mango as one of the 10 wonders for weight loss of up to 5 pounds in a month, without dieting and without side effects.
Behind the popularity of these products, few scientific studies have been done and shows mangoes are effective weight loss. According to a study published in the journal lipids in Health and Disease, African mango extract can reduce the body weight of up to 5 pounds in 28 days, without dieting and exercise.
Not only that, the extract of the fruit that grows only in Cameroon, Africa, is claimed to reduce waist circumference to 2 inches. The fruit is also called a super fruit because it also has the ability to lower bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood glucose levels.
African mango fruit is actually a different kind of mango that we used to know. The shape is slightly rounded with a slightly reddish-green color, like an apple. Seeds of this fruit is also quite strange and the people of Cameroon called 'Dikka nuts'.
That said, for thousands of years of extracts of mango seed, called irvingia gabonensis has been used for generations to treatment. Extracts of seeds among others efficacious to prevent obesity, lower cholesterol, to treat the infection.
However, consumers are expected to be alert before eating this fruit. According to a report conducted by Consumer Labs, an independent organization that analyzes health supplements, found many African mango supplement products imported from China and contain artificial materials.
So far, the mango is known to contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and lead to health problems like heart disease, cancer, and premature aging. However, in fact many more benefits of this fragrant fruit, here are a few of them:
This product's popularity increased after a doctor who has a talk show on television called African mango as one of the 10 wonders for weight loss of up to 5 pounds in a month, without dieting and without side effects.
Behind the popularity of these products, few scientific studies have been done and shows mangoes are effective weight loss. According to a study published in the journal lipids in Health and Disease, African mango extract can reduce the body weight of up to 5 pounds in 28 days, without dieting and exercise.
Not only that, the extract of the fruit that grows only in Cameroon, Africa, is claimed to reduce waist circumference to 2 inches. The fruit is also called a super fruit because it also has the ability to lower bad cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood glucose levels.
African mango fruit is actually a different kind of mango that we used to know. The shape is slightly rounded with a slightly reddish-green color, like an apple. Seeds of this fruit is also quite strange and the people of Cameroon called 'Dikka nuts'.
That said, for thousands of years of extracts of mango seed, called irvingia gabonensis has been used for generations to treatment. Extracts of seeds among others efficacious to prevent obesity, lower cholesterol, to treat the infection.
However, consumers are expected to be alert before eating this fruit. According to a report conducted by Consumer Labs, an independent organization that analyzes health supplements, found many African mango supplement products imported from China and contain artificial materials.
So far, the mango is known to contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that can damage cells and lead to health problems like heart disease, cancer, and premature aging. However, in fact many more benefits of this fragrant fruit, here are a few of them:
- High content of iron is good for pregnant women and people with anemia. But, not to excess, consult with your doctor untukmendapatkan dose according to your condition.
- You mess around with the problem of clogged pores? Tempelkanlah mango slices to your face and clean it after ten minutes.
- If you have any problems with the digestive tract, there is no fruit that can help a lot as well as mango. Mangoes can be digestion because it contains enzymes that digest proteins Formatting.
- Mangoes are rich in potassium, so good for lowering blood pressure. In addition, mangoes also contain pectin, fiber material that can lower cholesterol levels in the body.
- You are trying to gain weight? Put the mango into your daily menu. Mangoes are rich in calories and carbohydrates that nourish and increase endurance.
- Some studies suggest eating a mango can minimize the risk of kidney stone formation.
- Are studying for the exam? The fruit is also rich in glutamine's acid protein that is essential for concentration and memory. Instead of chips and pastries mencamil, better eating slices of mango while you learn.
- Although not traditionally regarded as an aphrodisiac, mangoes contain vitamin E which membantung improve one's sex life. Vitamin E is necessary to set up one's sex hormones.
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