Imagine what would happen to your health if you've never consumed fruit in your life. Your body will lose a lot of substances that are required to maintain fitness.
Here are some reasons why the fruit is very important to your health:
- They are the most natural food. The more natural it is, the faster the body can process and turn it into useful substances for a more efficient bodily function.
- They stimulate memory. They are the ultimate fuel for the brain. They help our brain recall information faster.
- They are 100% bad-cholesterol free.
- They provide abundant fiber. Fiber promotes good digestion, prevents high blood pressure, and helps against corpulence.
Each healthy fruit is a goldmine of vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Although all fruits are healthy, here is the list of the top five healthiest, most beneficial fruits:
- Strawberry - It is known to be one of the richest sources of fiber and Vitamin C. It contains generous amounts of sodium and iron which help to maintain normal heart rhythm and healthy blood flow. It is also abundant in antioxidants which help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.
- Banana - It is a good source of potassium, fiber, Vitamins A, C, B, E and folate. Vitamin A is essential for skin, eyes, hair, bones, and teeth. Vitamin C helps bind cells and strengthen blood vessel walls, while Vitamin E helps form muscles, red blood cells, and other tissues. Folate is important in manufacturing genes and protein metabolism.
- Plum - It is high in carbohydrates but low in calories and fat. This has an excellent supply of vitamin A, C, calcium, iron, magnesium (activates enzymes significant in releasing energy to the body), potassium (helps in maintaining regular fluid balance and supports nerve and muscle function), and fiber. It is free of cholesterol and sodium.
- Pineapple - It has one of the most diverse amounts of vitamins and minerals. It has potassium, Vitamin C, fiber, and calcium. This fruit is perfect in boosting your immune system and fighting off illnesses as it gives you more energy. It also has bromelain known to suppress coughs and loosen up mucus. This is the reason why pineapple is a perfect breakfast or snack for anyone with colds.
- Apple - Everyone knows the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, it's true. It is known to be anti-carcinogenic, anti-allergenic, and anti-inflammatory. It is also loaded with flavanoids, a powerful antioxidant that will help you look and feel younger.
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