The following diet tips for women should enable you to find healthy ways to lose weight.
1) Eat breakfast: So many women rush out of the house each morning, having consumed nothing more than a coffee, not realizing their body needs some fuel to start the day. An hour later, they might be starving and grabbing a doughnut or something equally inappropriate (like a bar of chocolate) that's just loaded in fat and sugar. Get up 10 minutes earlier if you have to but make sure you kick-start your metabolism with a bowl of cereal and fruit, or maybe some peanut butter on toast. You'll feel much better for it.
2) Cut the coffee: Coffee is great - in moderation. It's even been linked with stimulating the brain. But drink too much of it and you'll become dehydrated - not to mention be loading up on calories if you take your java with sugar and/or cream. Tea falls into the same category, though some herbal teas are great. Instead of coffee and tea, drink more natural juice (no sugar added) and water. And a glass of skimmed milk is great for a daily calcium shot to keep your bones and teeth in great shape - particularly important as women age and face the increased risk of osteoporosis.
3) Eat less meat: You don't have to cut out meat altogether, but reducing your cholesterol-loaded red meat intake is a good idea. Eat more fish - which is loaded with heart-friendly Omega 3 - and switch to easier-to-digest chicken. If you have fiber-rich pasta with your meals you'll find you need far smaller portions of meat.
4) Speaking of fiber: Load your plate with fiber-rich vegetables, which are fat-free and also full of nutritious minerals and vitamins. Eat salad whenever you can.
5) Get fruity: Eat more fruit - even include an apple or some grapes with breakfast. Fruit is great for boosting your Vitamin C levels. Remember, the body needs new Vitamin C every day because it's the one vitamin the body can't store. Vitamin C keeps your skin looking fresh and promotes swift healing of cuts and bruises.
6) Don't forget iron: Women of childbearing age need more iron to replenish the loss during their monthly cycle. While meat is a good source, it has the negative of containing fat and cholesterol. Instead, consume wholegrains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, lentils, chickpeas, beans (including canned baked beans) - and eat them with a vitamin C drink, which helps iron absorption.
7) Move it: Try and take some daily exercise to burn calories. Going to a gym or swimming pool is great, but if you can't afford it or are too busy, walk whenever you can - even if it is just around the mall in winter. In summer there's no excuse - get out and move!
8) Avoid diet pills and "miracle" weight loss supplements: I could make a fortune promoting this junk, but the truth is the only thing that should be going into your mouth is good, nutritious food.
9) Be patient It doesn't matter if you want to lose 10 pounds or 100: excess weight builds slowly over time and it's not going to disappear overnight. If you are grossly overweight or obese, you might indeed see some initial rapid weight loss, but it will taper off. The best diet plans have you losing a steady 1-2 pounds a week.
10) Be realistic The digitally enhanced images you see in magazines and the fabulous, perfectly proportioned bodies in the movies are pure fantasy. Do not aspire to be stick thin - it is not healthy! Instead, be the healthiest you can be and the weight will take care of itself.
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