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Thursday, June 14, 2012

African Mango - Weight Loss Without Dieting!

African mango. Is it the latest in a long line of weight loss supplements which do nothing to shrink your waistline but plenty to shrink your wallet? Or is it the real deal, and something which can seriously help you lose weight without the need for dieting or exercise? And what about the other benefits - lowering cholesterol levels, boosting energy and fighting fatigue? We shall see.

African mango diet

The Background

African mango first came to our attention in September 2010 when Dr. Oz featured it on his syndicated TV show, as a must have weight loss supplement. Endorsed by celebrities, it appears to offer the perfect solution - weight loss without dieting or exercise.

The African Mango

The African mango, or irvingia gabonensis, is an edible fruit growing in the tropical rainforests of western Cameroon, and has been eaten locally as a food for hundreds of years. But it is the seeds or nuts of the fruit that are most highly prized for their medicinal properties, and are used to treat everything from yellow fever to diarrhea, and by hunters to give them increased energy and combat fatigue.

But does It Work?

Despite being taken for hundreds of years as a cure all and energy booster, this evidence is anecdotal and carries little weight in the scientific domain.

What does carry weight however, and this is most unusual for a weight loss product, are the clinical trials that have actually been carried out which back up the claims as to how effective it is.

In one study, carried out over 10 weeks, the participants taking african mango supplement, lost an average of 28.1 lbs, against 1.5 lbs in the placebo group.

In another study, this time over one month, those taking the supplement lost an average of 11.7 lbs, and remember all of this is without changes to diet or exercise levels.

While some health professionals would like to see more studies done on african mango, the fact that verifiable clinical studies have actually taken place says a lot for the authenticity of the product, and all the evidence points towards a safe and effective weight loss supplement.

How Does It Work?

Normally taken twice daily as a supplement, african mango works in several ways to bring about weight loss. It increases the feeling of satiety in the brain which makes us think we are full up, and also helps prevent the food sugars being converted to fat for storage in our bodies. It has also been proven to be effective in lowering bad LDL cholesterol levels and stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Losing Weight And Improving Metabolism

The trend of people on campaigns to lose extra weight is drastically increasing.
How ever, this many times, when related procedures are not properly administered, comes along with negative consequences.

As research has it, it has clearly been attested to that many people are actually over weight but they fall short of recognizing that fact.
Some people may simply tell they are overweight by a mere look at their physical size which under severe circumstances is referred to as obesity, While others are not obese but when you use the body mass index (BMI) formula, you get to realize they really are.

Being in any state of over weight is fundamentally bad and it has always been there fore recommended that every person checks their weight. This simply is because it leads to serious healthy problems like heart failure and many other body organs mal-functionalities, due to high cholesterol levels that generally end up reducing the body metabolism.

The question many people are asking relates to losing weight and improving metabolism. This is really a paramount factor to be considered in any attempt to lose weight.

Metabolism from scientific yet easy point of view is the complete set of chemical reactions that take place in the living cells. These reaction processes are the basis of life, allowing cells to grow, reproduce and maintain their structures as they respond to their respective environments.

On the other hand, it has always been difficult to get people losing weight and improving metabolism at the same time. For example, eliminating stomach fat is one of the common problems associated with losing weight and improving metabolism. People may be successful about finding solutions for eliminating belly fat but at the end find them selves compromising on their body systems performance. The most common problems associated with this for instance include, Head aches, depression and chronic fatigue.

Always before trying to get remedy for a problem, you must identify it first. Also people interested in losing weight and improving metabolism will realize that the best practice for eliminating stomach fat is first to improve their eating habits. This includes eating right quantities and quality foods. They will also require performing regular exercises.

Ideally, if properly followed, they will soon find them selves losing weight and improving metabolism.

Eliminating stomach fat is no laughing matter because, unless one gets the right products, they may always find that losing weight and improving metabolism at the same time has never been easy.

Every body needs to get a deeper understanding of this so to get rid of belly fat or any other form of excess weight, with out negatively affecting their metabolism.